Kaley Cuoco took to Instagram on Thursday to share the heartbreaking news of the passing of her beloved dog, King. The post, filled with photos of the senior rescue and a touching message, resonated deeply with fans and animal lovers alike. “There are no words to describe our dearest little Kingy,” Cuoco began in her tribute to “the most special” canine. Cuoco elucidated how she and Pelphrey became parents to the pup, saying she was in Germany when “I saw him online shaking in a shelter in Atlanta.
The actress from Flight Attendant also talked candidly about the difficulties including health concerns of adopting an older dog as opposed to a puppy. “All I know is Kingy gave us the most joy over the last year in a half and we could not love him more,” she continued. “to everyone that helped with Kingy’s journey along the way, thank you. I urge you to rescue your next best friend. He has left his paw print on our family’s hearts forever.” Taylor Lautner, Amanda Seyfried, and PETA were among the people who left condolences in the comment box.
In his homage, Pelphrey mentioned that King “cuddled Kaley through her entire pregnancy. Kingy- I’ll miss sleeping in with you, I’ll miss your eye kisses and your lap plops, I’ll miss the hell out of your whirling tornado drunken master poop style,” he added, alongside a series of sweet photos.